(超級精選優惠 - $278/2支!) BabyGanics有機寶寶 奶瓶清潔液補充裝 - 無香味 (946ml) Dish & Bottle Soap - Unscented

特殊價格 $144.00 定期的價格 $169.00

Looks like somebody could use a hand at the sink. How about squeaky clean sippy cups, bottles, pacifier and dishes with no scary chemical or gel residue? Whether its baby, family or dinner party dishes, this is the ticket. (You remember dinner parties, don't you?)
˙ 採用天然植物原料         
˙ 可清洗嬰兒食具、奶樽、碗碟、水杯、奶嘴及玩具
˙ 有效去除殘跡,徹底消除難聞氣味  
˙ 泡沫細緻柔和,過水容易,不殘留有害化學成份
˙ 濃縮配方,經濟耐用        
˙ 備有兩種配方   ● 無香味   ● 柑橘香味


** 註:商品說明及圖片僅供參考,一切以實物為準 **