(快閃優惠 - 銀行轉賬或轉數快, 輸入優惠碼SALE88可享額外88折!) (激發創意, 屢獲殊榮) 美國TEGU 磁性積木 Magnetic Racer - Orange

特殊價格 $140.00 定期的價格 $169.00

< Tegu Baby & Toddler Magnetic Racers These magnetic racers have got the need for speed! Complete with a chassis, body and driver, each racer is ready to roll. The three magnetic parts make it possible to mix and match to build the coolest looking car. Choose just one or build a whole race team by connecting all the racers. These magnetic racers have got the need for speed! Complete with a chassis, body and driver, each racer is ready to roll.

** 註:商品說明及圖片僅供參考,一切以實物為準 **